Studying in the Netherlands

7 Alasan studi di Belanda

  1. Belanda menawarkan banyak program bachelor dan master dalam bahasa Inggris. Tidak perlu menguasai bahasa Belanda
  2. Ijazah dan gelar dari Dutch universities diakui dunia internasional, juga oleh Dikti Indonesia
  3. Sistem pendidikan yang unik (disebut Problem Based Learning), sangat lekat dengan industri/profesional dan mutunya sudah diakui dunia internasional
  4. Kamu akan bertemu dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang dari berbagai macam kebangsaan. 95% penduduk Belanda bisa dan mau berbahasa Inggris
  5. Uang kuliah di Belanda relatip lebih murah daripada negara-negara lain
  6. Pintu masuk ke negara-negara Eropa lainnya. Kamu akan mendapat visa Schengen yang berlaku di lebih dari 25 negara Eropa (Jerman, Itali, Belgia, Perancis, Denmark, Swiss, Austria, Spanyol, Portugal, dll)
  7. Setelah lulus kuliah, lulusan bachelor maupun master boleh bekerja di Belanda sebagai knowledge worker, mengikuti standart gaji negara Belanda


  1. All study programs start in September 
  2. Few study programs start in February
  3. All BBA – Bachelor Business Administration – programs at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences start 6 times a year


  1. For Bachelor programs: highschool diploma
  2. For Master programs: Bachelor diploma
  3. Certificate IELTS 6 or IB TOEFL 80 (it is not needed if your previous education is taught fully in English)

Financial Overview – per year:

  • Normal tuition fee varies from €8,600 to €11,850 for Bachelor programs and €7,900 to €26,300 for Master programs ; it depends on university and study program
  • Visa and residence permit is around €250
  • Insurance is around €700
  • Accommodation/room rent varies between €5,000 – €6,000 (private bedroom with shared bathroom, toilet, kitchen, dining room)
  • Food, beverage, local transportation & communication minimum €5,000
  • Total cost varies from €20,000 to unlimited
  • Scholarship from Dutch Government or/and universities varies from €500 to €5,000 (it reduces  your tuition fee) 

Facts for International Students:

  1. Visa is applied by Dutch university, guaranteed, no hassles in doing it by yourself
  2. A student room is arranged by Dutch university and will be available on your arrival in the Netherlands
  3. Students can work part-time 16 hours/week
  4. After graduation, you are given “search-year/orientation-year” visa that is valid for 1 year, to give opportunity to look for a job in the Netherlands
  5. You can work as knowledge worker, that is suitable to your educational background, for 5 years or more
  6. Online application via We will assist and guide you step by step
  7. Partial scholarship is available